Tag Archives: diskettes

R.I.P To The Sony Floppy Disc

14 Jul

Remember floppy discs? They were at their most popular in the mid-90s. Before CDs and the presently popular USB flash drives and online storage, this storage medium was all the rage.

Back in the 90s for the techie-fashionistas it was all about picking the right colors (they didn’t just come in dreary black or gray) and colorful stickers. And what fun labelling them! Uh, ok maybe that’s going too far.

But the floppy discs were definitely a necessity in school or work computing use back then.

Guess what? Say goodbye to them now (like you haven’t for the past dozen years!) because Sony has just recently stopped manufacturing the discs.

Who knew Sony was still making these?!?

We can’t imagine looking back to today in the future and laughing at the graphics of the Sony Playstation 3 or at Facebook. But hey, we didn’t think we would chuckle at floppy discs or Windows 98 back then either!

Party like it’s 1999, dear Sony floppies!